With its Social and Interactive Features, WinjiGo Bridges the Distance Between Learners and Teachers.


WinjiGo Personalizes



Many options are available to publish and grade assessments, making it easy to address each student’s unique needs, while optimizing teachers’ efforts.

Learning Analysis

A Centralized student card tracks daily progress and offers customizable reports to measure the impact of initiatives on individuals’ performance.

Learning Paths

Personalized learning paths accommodate individuals’ needs and skills, not only across different stages, but also within the same classroom.


Flexible and versatile, WinjiGO allows teachers and schools to use as little or as much as they want. Its capabilities can be scaled up quickly and reliably, thanks to its Microsoft Azure infrastructure.

WinjiGo Simplifies

Course Planning

WinjiGO offers several easy tools to plan and manage courses, from individual class level, to the whole group of schools - through central course planning.

World-Class Content

The quality of content is critical to achieve the required learning outcomes. Thanks to our collaboration with global leaders, WinjiGo allows students to access all the most reputable content platforms.


We provide tailored training for teachers, admin, and all education stakeholders, to ensure the adoption is successful.

WinjiGo Connects


Multiple features enable students, teachers and parents to communicate effectively across different channels. The sense of community increases students’ self-esteem and responsibility.

Blended Learning

Distance learning channels - such as Virtual Classroom and Live sessions – make it easy to carry out activities seamlessly, in person and online.

Microsoft Integration

WinjiGO is natively integrated with Office 365 products. Classes are held on Teams, assignments and resources are managed with Office and OneNote, and OneDrive guarantees secure back up.

Accessible Everywhere

Our mobile apps make content accessible anytime, anywhere, and on any device, so that students can access learning material any time they need.

WinjiGo Engages

User Friendly Experience

WinjiGO is easy to use because it is designed with a student-centric approach. Students and teachers actually enjoy using it.


Gamified activities and pointing systems provide a sense of achievement and encourage the formation of positive habits, motivating students to excel.

Interactive Learning

WinjiGO is the perfect space for discussion and interaction, driving inquiry-based and problem-based learning, and helping to build 21st Century skills.