How WinjiGo Helps to Develop 21st Century Skills
The term of 21st century skills are a set of knowledge, skills, work habit, character behaviors which are believed by educators, college professors, employers and any sector that keen on tracking the ones progress. The skills that we have are very important to know how we can survive in any economic situation. Many skills are the information that we are …
ITWORX Education calls to bring Syrian refugee children back to school at the Syria Donors Conference
ITWORX Education, the leading education services and software solutions provider, a division of the global software professional services organization ITWORX, backed by the EuroMena funds, was proud to participate at Syria’s Donors Conference that was held in London on February 4, 2016, where private sector companies committed 75$ Million through partnership to educate Syrian children. ITWORX Education’s participation came as …
What is a social learning space?
Social learning isn’t conventional learning. In social learning, there’s no teaching, no tests. Instead, there’s discussion, support, exploration… If conventional learning is all about a classroom – whether that’s a traditional or digital one – then social learning is all about a community. In social learning spaces, students can come together to voluntarily exchange ideas, ask questions, provide answers and …
What is blended learning?
Over the past decade or so, ‘blended learning’ has become a common term in the educational field. It covers any kind of curriculum where at least part of a student’s learning is done by them interacting with content and instructions on digital and online media. In most developed countries, it’s now a fundamental part of education. The main advantages? Firstly, …
Course Management System or Learning Management System: which do you need?
They sound pretty similar – indeed, you might be forgiven or thinking they’re two terms for the same thing. But in fact Course Management Systems and Learning Management Systems are different things – and knowing how they’re different is important. After all, you don’t want to start implementing one when actually needing the other. So below is a simple explanation …
How to apply blended learning in the classroom?
Blended learning is – by definition – about the mix of digital and physical classroom. But sometimes it can be tempting to focus a little too much on the digital aspect. After all, that’s where all the innovation is, with the constant creation of new technologies and techniques exciting and inspiring students and teachers alike. But ultimately a good blended …